These lasts days I am enjoying so much my work!! getting more and more responsablities, working with people from different Electrolux (Sweden, Denamark, Belgium), having a lot of meeting, even phone meetings.
My tasks can be really differents from one week to another one, and that's sooooooooo interesting! I am really learning a lot and do not have time to get bored.
I still love my intership like it was the first day and I couldn't expected better.
Last week we had "Julebord", which means Christmas table in English. It is a real tradition to celebrate that with the company, even in november! :)
It was a great evening: diner at the restaurant (and I was at the most important table with the most important people of Electrolux in Norway!!) , then we went to a Norwegian show with 2 norwegian Guys (it was supposed to be funny, but my norwegian is still not so good to understand this funny people). And after that we moved for a Pub!
I had really a lot of fun!! Was really nice to have this kind of evening with people from work!!