lundi 9 février 2009
vendredi 6 février 2009
It was great and it was actually one of my best trip and Iceland was one of the most beautiful country I have visited to far!! I just love it :)
We were a group of 10 people (all working in Norway and most of us AIESEC interns) to travel to Iceland. Actually a group of 9 guys and me!! Lucky me right?? 4 days in Iceland with 9 boys :p
FRIDAY 30th:
- check-in at the hostel,
- walk on the sea cost in Reykiavik
- going to one of the pool closed to the hostel. The pool was outside but the water was so warm!! there were some small pools with different degrees of water: 38°C, 40, 42 and even 44°C. Trust me, that's amazing to just be outside in a pool during winter in Iceland, where the temperature is for sure under 0°C!!
- we try to see the Northern Lights on Friday evening but unfortunatelly they didn't show up. As you can imagine it was really cold, so we put some music and started dancing in the cold, hoping that the Northern Lights will appear :) but it was not successfull at all :p
- we finish the day with a small party at the hostel woth some drinks and went to bed!
- wake up at 8am! time for a nice breakfast and then we started driven on the road called "Golden Circle". I think we drove around 350 Km during the day. We started with the old parliament (Pingvellir), continued with the Geysirs and finish with the huge waterfalls (Gulfoss).
Pingvellir is the place in between the tectonics plates from America and Europe!!
The Geysirs... really amazing. You can see the water boiling...and suddently it just explode!!
Gulfoss: beautiful waterfall!! the sun was shinning so it was even possible to see a rainbow :)
This day was great and the weather was perfect. I have been really surprised by the beauty of the country. Honestly I didn't expect at all to see all what I have seen in only one day!!
End of the day, we drove back to the hostel. The weather was still great and the sky clear, so after a nice dinner in Reykjavik we decided to run after the Northern Lights! :) And we have been really lucky. A bit outside of the city we started observing some strange lights in the sky, but we were wondering if it was a cloud or not. We continued driving and stopped in a small dark road.
At this time we realized that it was really the Northern Lights in the sky :D great moment. At the beginning, it was only one light in the sky and nothing else... nothing was really happening. But after some minutes the lights started moving, disappearing, coming back stronger, moving again... We even enjoyed writting our name on some of the pictures with the light of the cellphone.
Back to the hostel we started a pre party and around 3am we ordered 2 taxis and went dancing in Reykjavik!! We left the pub around 6.30am (so different from Oslo where every place close at 3am), and had breakfast at 7am at the hostel. After 3 hours sleep we were ready again to continue our adventure in Iceland :D
SUNDAY 1st of February:
We left the hostel around 11am and took the direction of the Blue Lagoon!! We enjoyed the warm water from 1pm to 6pm. Long time I didn't spend 5 hours in the raw in the water!! It was just great! the water was around 38°C and around us it was montains and snow everywhere!!
Here the proof:
On the evening we went for a dinner in the city center and then came back to the hostel to relax a bit :) No party on Sunday evening :p
Last day in Iceland. We had a nice walk on the cost and then we took the direction of the airport!!