dimanche 28 octobre 2007

Excel - AIESEC conference

10 days ago I went to Bergen for the first national conference of AIESEC in Norway! Bergen is a city on the cost west of Norway. This city is known for the beautiful weather! hehe Actually it is raining everyday and people says that even if it is sunny, don't forget to take your umbrella with you!
So I arrived there by plane on Tuesday night. Ah I forgot to mention that I was Faciliator for this conference that's why I came so early. Pre meeting started on Wenesday. We were a faci team of 11 people. We had a lot of work to do during 5 days but the conference was really great and I really enjoyed it. I facilitated some sessions for EB Members and also the simulation for the new members.
Conferences, here in norway, are very different to what I am used in France. We were hosting in a hotel and the conference took place at the university. The official dinner was a REAL official dinner. It was a buffet with Italian food in the restaurant of the hotel!! really nice.
Parties are quite different as well. Every LC is starting pre parties in some room.
But the atmosphere of the conference is the same: work, fun, @ dances, roll call...
In Norway there is only 5 LCs but there was around 150 delegates at the conference.

I really enjoy my experience as Faci. It was cool to work again full time for AIESEC, even if it was only for 5 days! I liked working with the MC and I have learnt more about @ in Norway.
I also have a lot of fun with the interns, most of them came for the week end. We started creating a kind of Intern roll call, but still need to be improved!! :)

The last day we went sightseeing in the city. After 5 days of work I could see a bit of Bergen. Really nice city. From the top of the city I could see montains and the sea in the same time!
Then on Sunday night with the Faci team we had pos meeting.
I came back in Oslo by bus and arrived on Monday morning. I just had time to go back to my place, take shower and go to work!! I was dead tired but it has been an amazing experience.
I don't know why but it has been one of my best @ conference, maybe because I was faci but also Intern!

Next conference will be in Tromdheim. For sure I will be there. But I am thinking going only for the week end and enjoying the conference as in intern. After 4 years working in AIESEC, participating to so many conferences and working hard, I am just waiting for the time when I will participate at an @ conference just for the FUN: party and sightseeing!!
So I am really looking foward to the next conference!

mercredi 24 octobre 2007

Cooking Training

Last week, I had a cooking training at Electrolux!! It was amazing!
Actually the training was for some of the Electrolux customers. The objective was for them to know how to use the different Electrolux products in order to sell it in the best way! My manager and me have been invited to join them, and it was so cool!!
The kitchen is really huge and you can find whatever you want!!
We were splited in 4 different teams for 4 different dishes!!
We cooked for around one hour and half and then we moved to the table and have dinner!
First we got some salade with chicken, then salmon with a French sauce, then meat with vegetables an finally cake with chocolate and ice cream!! And everything with 3 differents wines!!
So great!! Better than a restaurant!! And the best is WE cooked it!!! So you see, the products that you are using to cook are more important than the cooker!! :) Buy Eletrolux products!! hehe

dimanche 14 octobre 2007

Holmenkollen - Ski Jump

Here, it is a picture of Oslo taken from Holmenkollen. You can see that Oslo is a really small city! :p
The view is just beautiful!
This place is supposed to be known for everyone in the world. The ski jump is one of the most impressed construction of Oslo!!
It is really crazy to imagine people jumping here!!

By the way, at Electrolux we are our meeting room called "Holmenkollen" because from there we can see the ski jump!! nice, isn't?

samedi 13 octobre 2007

AIESEC & Electrolux

Why making a comparison between AIESEC and Electrolux? or why am I going to compare my work in AIESEC and my work in Electrolux?
Because actually there is a lot of commun points!
Every day I am learning more about the company and I can see that there is a lot of similarities to AIESEC.

As MC VP (for who don't know AIESEC vocabulary, it means Vice President of AIESEC in France :) ) I have spent hours sitting with my team and talking about different topics and issues, and trying to find a solution and taking the right decision for our organization.
Regarding the Finance, how many times did I sit with my team and explain to them the current financial situation? How many times did we have inderminable discussion around finance issues? Actually I can see that is happenning the same discussions everywhere, and in most of the companies or organizations. Finance is the center of all activities, and we need the finance people to take any decision. I can see that in Electrolux, most of people are full of meetings, in Norway but also with Electrolux people in other countries. They spend hours trying to find an agreement and to take the best decision for eveyrone.
Even if Electrolux is a global company, nothing is perfect, and sometimes there is some mis-communication and people are not respecting what they have promised, a thing which can happen in AIESEC also. And because it is a global company, Electrolux Norway must send a lot of reports to the headquarter, a bit like in AIESEC, when we must fulfil the membership criteria and send some reports to AIESEC International. Deadlines, I see that everydays at Electrolux... :)
Like in AIESEC, some of the employees at Electrolux are travelling a lot: meetings abroad, seminars...

But the best story so far is the kind of "roll call" that we did at Electrolux 3 days ago!! It was the Birthday of 2 of the employees. The director made a speech for them and then he asked us to sit on the floor and we start doing the "ram-sam-sam" :) It was quite funny to do this kind of thing at Electrolux!!

But here the main differences for me so far:
- I take time for lunch!
- I am not working anymore 24 hours/ 7 days
- Most of days at 4pm I leave the office

It is still difficult to explain the similarities, you need to live it in order to undertand it. But every week I am suprised to see that in AIESEC we are really working professionally. But I am missing my MC Life and my MC Team, even if we were working most of the week end and we were getting only a"small small" salary :) AIESEC is a freedom organisation and we can do whatever we want, in the way we want it to be! and that is really nice!! That's why we can develop ourselves.

Next week I am going to Bergen for a national conference on AIESEC in Norway. I will be facilitator! That's so cool to be an intern but still be involve in AIESEC and participate to conference!!

Now it is time for me to go to bed because tomorrow I need to get up early. I am going hiking!! :)
I will let you know how it was! :)

mardi 9 octobre 2007

Week end in Stockholm

Last week end (from 5th to 7th of October) I have been to Sweden, Stockholm!!
It was a great week end! :) Meeting some friends again from Brazil, Romania, Turkey... It's wat I like in AIESEC: diversity!!

On Saturday, we have been in the old city and we took hundred of crazy pictures. On Sunday we went to an open museum (as they called it) with Nordic animals!! :)

Stockholm is a really nice city! and different from Oslo; bigger for sure!
Just have a look at my pictures and you will understand why I enjoyed my week end in Sweden!! Unfortunatelly I stayed only 2 days but I guess I will have other opportunities to come back there. And it is only 1 hour by plane from Oslo!! everything is so closed in Europe!

I am now back in Oslo and working hard... it is "budget time" in Electrolux... so it means a lot of work!
By the way, you know that Electrolux is a Swedish company?! Yes it is!! So I was so proud of my company when walking in the streets of Stockholm I saw an Electrolux shop!! :)

jeudi 4 octobre 2007

Here, Electrolux Norway!!

It's there where I am working everyday!! :)
Nice building and nice offices! believe me!