Because actually there is a lot of commun points!
Every day I am learning more about the company and I can see that there is a lot of similarities to AIESEC.
As MC VP (for who don't know AIESEC vocabulary, it means Vice President of AIESEC in France :) ) I have spent hours sitting with my team and talking about different topics and issues, and trying to find a solution and taking the right decision for our organization.
Regarding the Finance, how many times did I sit with my team and explain to them the current financial situation? How many times did we have inderminable discussion around finance issues? Actually I can see that is happenning the same discussions everywhere, and in most of the companies or organizations. Finance is the center of all activities, and we need the finance people to take any decision. I can see that in Electrolux, most of people are full of meetings, in Norway but also with Electrolux people in other countries. They spend hours trying to find an agreement and to take the best decision for eveyrone.
Even if Electrolux is a global company, nothing is perfect, and sometimes there is some mis-communication and people are not respecting what they have promised, a thing which can happen in AIESEC also. And because it is a global company, Electrolux Norway must send a lot of reports to the headquarter, a bit like in AIESEC, when we must fulfil the membership criteria and send some reports to AIESEC International. Deadlines, I see that everydays at Electrolux... :)
Like in AIESEC, some of the employees at Electrolux are travelling a lot: meetings abroad, seminars...
But the best story so far is the kind of "roll call" that we did at Electrolux 3 days ago!! It was the Birthday of 2 of the employees. The director made a speech for them and then he asked us to sit on the floor and we start doing the "ram-sam-sam" :) It was quite funny to do this kind of thing at Electrolux!!
But here the main differences for me so far:
- I take time for lunch!
- I am not working anymore 24 hours/ 7 days
- Most of days at 4pm I leave the office
It is still difficult to explain the similarities, you need to live it in order to undertand it. But every week I am suprised to see that in AIESEC we are really working professionally. But I am missing my MC Life and my MC Team, even if we were working most of the week end and we were getting only a"small small" salary :) AIESEC is a freedom organisation and we can do whatever we want, in the way we want it to be! and that is really nice!! That's why we can develop ourselves.
Next week I am going to Bergen for a national conference on AIESEC in Norway. I will be facilitator! That's so cool to be an intern but still be involve in AIESEC and participate to conference!!
Now it is time for me to go to bed because tomorrow I need to get up early. I am going hiking!! :)
I will let you know how it was! :)
2 commentaires:
oi querida,
muito legal a sua comparacao. Estou pensando muitas vezes se tem coisas parecidas acontecendo nas empresas com que agente faz na AIESEC.
Parece que vc esta aproveitando bastante da sua experiencia. Escreve sempre, eh muito bom acompanhar :)
PS: a Rita veio pra Eslovaquia no final de semana passado!! Ela ficou 3 dias na minha casa, agente foi na feira da minha cidade e tbm na casa dos avos (matamos o porco!)
Encontrei seu blog fazendo uma pesquisa bem aleatória no google porque me faaaaaaaaaaassssccciineeeeiiii mtoooo com a possibilidade de ir viajar através da aiesec para a França, trabalhar an área que eu estudo, e contribuir com a AIESEC, onde minah grande amiga trabalhou por algum tempo!!!! O que você me sugere?? Existe esta possibilidade??
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