lundi 5 janvier 2009

A new year is starting!

Happy New Year to everyone who will be entering in my blog :)


It looks for me a quiet year. One year ago I was working in Norway, and today I still here. I have been learning a lot professionnaly from my experience in Oslo at Electrolux. But out of my work experience I didn't feel I have been achieving so much. That's why today I am sure about my decision (see my previous post) and I know I want to change something and move on!

But still here what 2008 was for me:

- travels and new countries visited: Dublin (Ireland), Tromso (north of Norway to see the mid night sun), Germany & Portugal (perfect summer holidays), Stockholm (Sweden: twice in 10 days! hehe).

- several trips to France. I realized that I have really great friends in France and in Paris and I don't want to lose them. My time in Paris is always one of the best one!

- I have started Capoeira for 4 months now

- and of course 2008 was a full year in Norway where I got to know the country and the culture better. About the language... not sure! Norsk min er ikke sa bra :p

Transition 2008-2009:

I spent my Christmas holidays in France (in the French Alps). I had a great time there seeing my family and some of my friends. I missed them a lot so it was good to be back to my own country. 

2009: a new year!

I am really looking forward to 2009! I am expecting a lot from this new year, but of course only me can make the change I am looking for. 

How I see 2009:

- new job (in 2 months my current contract will be ending)

- new country? city? I don't know yet where I will be in 2-3 months. But for sure it will be a new experience starting somewhere. I hope staying some years at this "new place/city/country" and stop moving every year.

- continue travelling: hopefully in 2009 I will be back to Brazil and I will visit Peru and the Machu Pichu (it is one of my dream to go there)

- continuing doing sport and Capoeira!

and of course more fun!!!

Let's see what will happen!! :D

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Où que tu sois j'espère que tu seras tujours toi :)