vendredi 21 novembre 2008

What will be next?

Finally, I took an important decision... I have been thinking about it for weeks now, and now it is kind of "official".

So here the summary :) :

I came to Norway September 2007 to do my AIESEC internship in ELECTROLUX. After 6 months working in the company, my manager offered me the opportunity to extend my contract for 6 months more (that means until march 2009). And as you can guess (because I am still in ELectrolux Norway) I said YES!
My internship has been a great experience (but it is not over yet, still have some months left). I have learnt a lot and got much more reponsabilities than what I could expected. My job (I am working as a Finance Controller) is really good. I like finance and these last months I have been working much more closer to the business and the market.
But to go back to the point, beginning of September my manager told me that they would like to offer me a real position here in the company after my internship. I think at this time I was not expecting this kind of offer (because of different reasons I didn't think they will open a new position but will prefer to take a new intern) and actually I started to be really confused.
Then I have started thinking and thinking... A LOT!! maybe too much... and I probably put a lot of pressure on me too. And all that didn't give me any answers.

What I saw first in my reflection was:
- great job,
- great quality of life. I never saw a country before where the quality of life is good as Norway. Ok, everything is so expensive here, but life is great. Working hours are from 8am to 4pm, you can practice sports everywhere, no stress at all in Oslo, you can walk in the city at any time of the day or night without being scared, from the city center of Oslo you take a subway for 10 minutes and you are in the forest or a boat for 5 minutes and you arrive in a desert island in the middle of the Oslo Fjord... Norway is a cool country to enjoy life :)
- great salary
So my conclusion was : everything is great, then I should stay. But I was not feeling confident with my conclusion...
(just to say 2 words about Norway and Interns: most of the AIESEC interns coming for an internship to Norway have been hiring by the company after the internship period. It is something really common here)

My second part of my reflection was more talking with some good friends. From this moment I started thinking in a different way... one special friend really opened my eyes, and from my discussion with him I realized that even if everything around me can be so perfect and great, it is not because of that I will enjoy it!! I mean you can live in the perfect world, in the perfect country, do you think that wil be enough to make you happy? But that really hard to think in a different way when you are in a environment when people think like this (one intern even told me once: "but what the most important at the end of the day? the money of course!")

So some days I was feeling staying, some others days leaving...It has been going like that for weeks. But of course I went deeper to my reflection and tried to think about what I really want in life, in my professional career etc etc.
Here some of my answers of the questions "what do I want?"
- new challenge
- to work in a young environment
- to work in a team
- SUN!!! I need sun!!
- to follow my dreams and not the standards of others
- to inspire people
- to travel
- but the most important, I don't want to postpone living!! I mean I want to live now my dreams! I don't want to wait years before achieving them!

So after this long reflection I realized that what I want it is not necessary what I have today. I enjoy my job but for example I am the only young and international person in the company in Oslo. I would like to work in a different working environment: more international, dynamic and younger! I would like to have more interaction with people in my daily work and be part of a team.
I am maybe looking for the perfect job and I want or expect probably too much, but I know today that I want something different, I want a change!!
Aditionally to that, I think I don't see myself spending some more years in Norway. Norway is a lovely country, but the norwegian culture is a really dificult culture to unterstand (at least for a french girl like me :p ). I have tried to understand people, to understand the behaviours of norwegians, to understand their habits ; but even after more than one year i didn't get the answers to all my questions. I would never imagine that Norwegian culture could be so different from the French one for example. Also, I love sun, and winter time is hard to find some sun in Norway. What about the food?? I am still looking for the food in Norway hahaha just a joke, but serioulsy the food in Norway is a long story ;)

So after all these questions I have asked myself, all the hours thinking about my future, thinking about taking the right decision... I decided to not accept the offer from the company. I has been hard... hard also now to realize that I will be moving out of the country in less than 4 months. I enjoy my time here and I have friends in Oslo. I know that it will not be easy to leave Norway. Norway is today a part of my life!
I know also that a lot of people around me will not understand my decision, they will not understand how I can lose an opportunity as the one I had today...

Of course, today I am really scared! Scared about the future... But I think it is a normal feeling. As human, we are always afraid of things we do not know. So I know what I am losing by leaving Norway but I don't know where I will be in 4 months and in which country I will be working. I am scared to not find a job as good as I have in Norway. But that's part of life. Sometimes we have to take some risks!!
I am today confident with my decision, and I know that whatever happen I will not regret my choice. I believe in myself and I believe in my dreams. I am today following my heart without really knowing where I am going!! But that's excisting, isn't it? :)

So now my next steps is to think about what to do!
I will try to stay working in Electrolux somewhere in Europe probably ;) and maybe trying to be closer to my country and my family.

By the way I recommand to all of you to listen this video in case you don't know it yet:

mardi 18 novembre 2008

Business trip to the Electrolux HQ

Today was a special day: it was my first business trip with Electrolux, and I just want to share some words about it.
I had a meeting/training in the Electrolux Headquarter today, in Stockholm.

So here comes a summary of my day:
Waking up around 5 am in order to be on time for my flight Oslo - Stockholm at 7.40 am. After a short time in the sky, I arrived in Stockholm, went out of the airport and took a taxi. I was already impressed to see that I even don't need to give the adress to the taxi driver, he knew perfectly where the Electrolux Office was! I guess that Swedish are proud of Electrolux :D
After 40 minutes in the taxi I arrived in front of the Electrolux building: a huge building!!!
From my first minute inside the building I was already impressed. The hall is huge, colourful, with Electrolux white good and vacum cleaners everywhere!! One person for Stockholm came to pick me up at the entrance and show me quickly some floors and offices, and few minutes later our meeting was already starting.
Finally, I got to meet some people I have been in touch with for months but never meet before.
The meeting lasted from 10am to 4.30pm. With 45 minutes break for lunch. The most funny part was when we got to the cantin to take our lunch, a paper was standing at the entrance saying that because of some problem with the dishwasher today we should use plastic plates and glasses. hahaha is that not funny when you are in the Headquarter of Electrolux and you can find white good at each floor??? But I still believe Electrolux products are the best ones! :D
By the way, the cantin in Stockholm is completly different of the one in Norway: in Stockholm they have real food with warm dish, meat, etc etc! uhuu! that was great!!
Then back to the meeting... really interesting by the way :)
4.30pm, the meeting is over. Time for me to go back to the airport... on my way out, I met again one AIESEC alumni (he was MCP some years ago and Electrolux-AIESEC Global Coordinator last year) (I say again because I met him several times during the days :) ) It was interesting to talk to him and share my impression about Electrolux in Stockholm.
I could see today how dynamic, young and international is the working environment in Electrolux in Stockholm. It is about 800 people working there. I can say I fail in love with the Headquarter of Electrolux!! hahaha I am really proud to work for ELECTROLUX!!!
So after this short talk... taxi again... airport again... and flying from Stockhom to Oslo (stopping by the duty free, of course, do not forget I am living in Oslo, the most expensive country in this world). Few minutes later I was back to Norway... and now already back home!

This day was great and really interesting!! I will actually be back to Stockholm in 10 days, and going to spend 3 days there... visiting friends, sightseeing, having fun etc etc and spending one day again in the Electrolux HQ (instead of working from Norway I will work from Stockholm for one day) :D

dimanche 9 novembre 2008


Capoeira... I started end of August and I am enjoying it so much!!
So I just want to share a bit here about this Brazilian Sport because I realize that a lot of people never hear about this sport before.

I discovered it before going to Brazil and I have always been so impressed when I see people playing Capoeira! For me it is such a beautiful sport to watch. When I was in Brazil, in the city called Salvador (on the east cost of Brazil) I had the chance to see Brazilians playing Capoeira in the street and that was impressing!
Of course I was dreaming to know how to play but it looks so hard!! I promised myself that if one day I will be back to Brazil I will learn Capoeira. I am unfortunatelly not back to Brazil but I decided to try :D
I can confirm that it is really really hard!! But I just love it!!

And playing Capoeira, it is not only "playing", but it is also singing and playing instruments!! So imagine how happy I am: I can feel a bit being in Brazil when being in Norway :D

So here comes a bit more information about it:
CAPOEIRA is an Afro-Brazilian art form that ritualizes movement from martial arts, games, and dance. It was brought to Brazil from Angola some time after the 16th century in the regions known as Bahia, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and São Paulo. Participants form a roda or circle and take turns either playing musical instruments (such as the Berimbau), singing, or ritually sparring in pairs in the center of the circle. The game is marked by fluid acrobatic play, feints, and extensive use of sweeps, kicks, and headbutts.

You can of course read more on the net but I just would like to share a video with you, and maybe now you will understand better what Capoeira is about :D
I like this video because it is a video from my Capoeira Club here in Oslo, made last year:

Norwegian winter...

It is only beginning of November and it has already been snowing here in Oslo. It will be my second winter but it is actually more scary than the first one :D It is getting dark and cold again.
That's really crazy to see how the spring or the summer can be SO DIFERENT from the winter time. During summer there is around 20 hours of sun a day in Oslo, but unfortunatelly it is only 3 or 4 during winter. I realise that it is not easy to live in a country when the weather can change so much!! You just get confused!
But now, we are all getting ready for the winter again and not spending so much time outside.
But this year I have my cross country skies and my ice skating shoes, so I am completly ready to enjoy the snow!!

Talking about the winter and the fact that the sun is not present so much... a lot of people have been telling me about the D vitamin. I don't know a lot about it but it is actually a vitamin that you body create with the sun (and I think this vitamin acts directly on your skin and bones). So the problem is : what should you do when you spend a winter in a country like Norway where you don't see the sun for several month?? The answer is: you go to the pharmacie and buy some D Vitamin :D
I didn't do it last year but because so many people recommanded to me, I told myself that I will do it for this winter. So it's what I did 2 days ago, and I went to buy some D Vitamin.
But actually this kind of thing is a mix between D Vitamin, Omega 3 and Fish oils!! And it is acually horrible with a really bad taste (even if I bought the one with Lemon taste)!!!! Bahhhhhhhhhhhh It's a kind of liquid which smells FISH and I have to take every day for the whole winter!!!! Bouhhhhhh I didn't know it was so hard to survive to a winter up north of Europe! HAHAHAHA

So my advise today :D will be: Guys, enjoy the SUN if you are somewhere where the sun is shinning!! :D
But I am actually really looking forward to go back to France for Christmas and get a bit of sun in my French Alps :)

By the way, with some of the interns here in Norway we are planning a trip to the North of Norway to see the Northern Lights!! So if you are around and would like to join, just let me know! That will be also exciting to spend some days ina place where the sun will never show up during the whole day.

samedi 27 septembre 2008

1 year in Norway

Yes, already one year that I arrived in Norway. Time goes fast...

But in one year, I have done so many things, enjoying life, travelling in countries where I have never been before and for sure I have gained a lot in the professional side.

Now I can really feel that it is the autumn here in Oslo. It is really nice, sunny and not too cold yet. But in a way it is a bit sad and depressing to think than in one month, it will start to get colder and colder, and darker and darker!! But as I already said, it is part of the experience in Norway. 

Nothing really new here, except that I have been starting Capoeira. It is a Brazilian sport: a mix between fight, dance and game!! It is really really really hard but I love it!!

I am also reflecting a lot regarding my future and what I will do after my internship. Staying in Norway? going back to France? working in another country? I am trying to answer all these questions but I still didn't get any answer... It is the first time for a long time that I really have to make an important choice in my life... Trust me, it is not easy!! 

mercredi 27 août 2008

Holidays Part 2 Portugal

After one week in Germany, I took my flight from Düsseldorf to Faro, in the south of Portugal, in the region called Algarve. Sad to leave Germany but happy to go to Portugal, country where I have never been to...
There I met my friend Emilie, a really sweet French girl ;)!! We decided to spend this week together in Portugal!! I am really enjoying these kind of moments when I can meet my friends from France again. In the last years I have been spending more time abroad than in France and I really miss my French Friends!!

We spent 3 days in Faro and enjoyed the sun a lot!! but the sea was really really cold!! even in Norway it was warmer this summer... I still don't understand how that can be possible but anyway... south of Portugal is beautiful!! These 3 days in Faro were really relaxing: beaches, sun, good food, Portuguese beers... exactly what we can expect from holidays in a warm country :)

On Monday 18th we took a bus to Lisbon (3 hours from Faro) where we planned to stayed until the end of our holidays. So far, everything was great, and unfortunately it couldn't continue in the same way... as soon as we arrived in Lisbon, we took the subway to go to the hostel, where we booked 2 beds for 4 nights. It was almost 11pm when we got there and guess what the reception guy told us?? (Portuguese joke) Answer: that I called them 3 days ago to cancel the reservation of the first night!! Of course I never did it but the guy didn't want to believe and told me there were no free bed anymore for the night!! So after some minutes, he gave us an other address for the night (5 minutes from the hostel) where I went with my friend! This place was so bad and expensive!! but not only that: it was really scary!! strange people... the didn't close, furnitures were moving and so on... The positive point is I had a friend from Serbia, Ivan, we were also in Lisbon the same night, so we decided to meet in the city center and going out to the Bario Alto!!

Bario Alto is probably one of the best place to go out in Lisbon!! It is a small area in the city center, with some small streets and bars eveywhere!! The night was really good!! We drunk some cheap Mojitos (after Norway everything is so cheap for me :) ) and had a really good time!!
We came back walking to this "amazing" hostel and went to bed at 5.30 am!! At least with Emilie, we didn't spend so much time in this wonderful room!!

The day after we came back to "our" initial hostel and got our beds for 3 nights! :) ouf!
We spent one day at the beach not so far from Lisbon, but unfortunately the weather was not so good and it was cold! The rest of the time we enjoyed in Lisbon! The city is wonderful!!

Resume of our agenda in Lisbon: restaurants, walking, sightseeing, relaxing, beers, eating Pasteis de Belem, listening Fado (typical Portuguese music - we spent our last evening in one of these typical restaurants listening Fado), drinking shot de casa in the Bario Alto (each bar in the Bario Alto has his own shot de casa. it is a shot with a mix of different alcohol)...

Emilie left Lisbon one Friday morning and me on the evening. So during the day I had a walk closed to the Vasco de Gama bridge. The second biggest bridge in Europe (after the one in Denmark) : 17km!!
I was so sad: holidays were over... and honestly after spending this amazing holidays in Germany and Portugal, I didn't want to come back to Norway where the winter is coming and where it is going to be cold and dark!!
But that's life!! Holidays can not last for ever...

On Friday evening and after 4 hours in the plane, I arrived at Oslo airport. It was 1 am!!
I took a bus at 2am to the city center of Oslo... and then walked home... I arrive at home at 3am and went to bed at 3.30 am...

It has been exactly 2 weeks holidays!! 2 weeks that I will never forget!! It is great to be able to travel in places where we have never been and meet new people!!
Now I am back to Oslo and the real life... back to work at Electrolux where I still have 6 months contract with... I still don't know what I will do next but for sure I have realized a lot of things during my holidays and I know that will help me to make my choice regarding what will be next for me!!

Holidays Part 1 Germany

So after a crazy week at work in August (3 weeks ago) I got 2 weeks holidays!
Crazy week because my manager was still in holidays and I was in charge of most of the financial processes of the company in Norway. It has been a really busy week with a lot of responsibilities but I enjoyed it a lot.

So when came Friday evening (on the 8th), I was really tired, but still found some energy to pack, chating on Skype with a friend and going to bed at midnight.
After only 3 and half hours of sleep my alarm clock rang: it is was time to get up and go to the airport... completly sleepy, I took my flight at 7am to Berlin. I woke up when the plane landed in Germany and at this time I realized that my holidays were starting!! Great feeling!!
Few hours later I was in the city center of Berlin searching for my friend Zuzka (great friend from Slovakia ;) ) The square was so huge that we couldn't find each other!

We spent 2 and half days in Berlin visiting the city! Sunday was a raining day but we enjoyed it reading all the history of the Berlin Wall under the rain with our umbrella!
Berlin is a really nice city with a lot of parks and green areas. Even the parliament is great: you can just go on the top and take a sunbath ;) (see picture bellow)
On Monday morning we went to the Berlin Zoo and because of the monkeys we almost missed our train!

We then spent the afternoon in the train going to Dortmund. We stayed the night there with some other AIESEC interns, and on Tuesday we got to know the city. Nothing really special to see in Dortmund except a really cool water game in a square where you can play with.
On the evening we arrived in Düsseldorf, the city in the west part of Germany where Zuzka is going her internship.

I stayed there until Friday 15th, but I traveled one day to Cologne and Bonn, saw the Cathedral, DHL tower, the river...
With Zuzka we also went to Duisburg, city closed to Düsseldorf!! and you know why this city is so special?? because there is a Lego land there!!! it was a lot of fun!! so many years I didn't play with Lego!! hehe!!

My time is Germany was great!!
First because of my friend Zuzka!! It was great to see her again and spend one week with her!!
I have never been to Germany before so everything was new for me!! I like the country even if sometimes German people was a bit cold with me because I was talking in English and asking them to reply to me in English too (because I don't speak German at all).
I tasted severals German beers and I like it too :)
I was really sad to leave Germany...

samedi 2 août 2008


Already beginning of August... time goes fast...
Spending July in Norway was great and I have been really surprise by the weather.
The last 2 weeks it was warm and sunny, apparently Oslo was one of the warmest place in Europe! Can you believe that??

Here comes the proof with a picture:
That a picture of the beach here in Oslo, and as you can see it was really crowded!!

July was also the month for the National Day in France: on the 14th of July!
Usually I never remember what I have done on the 14th of July. We don't celebrate it so much in France, except it is a day off and we can watch some fireworks on the evening.
But this year, I will remember it for many years!! :D The 14th of July in Norway was awesome.

Stéphane (an other French intern in Oslo) and myself, we went to the French embassy. They had a special reception for the national day. I got the afternoon off with my job and at 1pm we were at the "residence of France". After being welcomed by the ambassador of France, we entered in the garden. There, there was a buffet (with charcuterie, cheeses, French bread, French desserts) and of course some French wine and Champagne!
It was really formal but a lot of fun! Unfortunately it started raining when a woman started singing the French national hymn...
We had a nice time and met a lot of French people working in Oslo too, listened to some French old songs... That's so cool to get the food and drinks payed by the French government!! And even more when you know how much that costs in Norway! :D

July was also the month when my youngest sister came to visit me here in Oslo. She stayed here for 4 days with a boy friend. I really enjoyed having her in Norway. I showed them the city and we walked a lot in all the touristic places in Oslo. We rented a car for one day and drove to Fredrikstad, in the south east of Oslo. We stopped also in Drobak (the city of Santa Claus) and Hankaa (really nice city located on the east cost of the Oslo Fjord).

We took some crazy pictures in Frogner Parken (it is park in Oslo with hundred of naked status!) and had a lot of fun!!

More pictures here:

Finally, July was really relaxing at the office. Most of the employees were in holidays.
Next week will be really busy! but next Saturday I am taking a plane to Berlin!!
So my next post will be probably in few weeks, telling you about my holidays in Germany and Portugal!!

samedi 12 juillet 2008

Plans for the next weeks

So where we go:

- still 4 crazy weeks at the office! A lot to do... and beginning of August I will be responsible for the whole financial reporting, and even the financial presentation at the Business Review of Electrolux Norway!! I feel a lot of pressure on me... but that's really exciting!!

- I am really looking forward to see my younger sister here in Oslo! She will be coming with her boyfriend on the 21st of July!! I can not wait to see them here!!

- HOLIDAYS: YES!!! in 4 weeks!!
Unfortunately, I will not go to Brazil (as I had it in mind first), but I will spend one week in Germany with Zuzka (a friend from Slovakia, doing right now an internship in Germany), and one week in Portugal with Emilie, a friend from France.
So I will be flying from Oslo to Berlin, spending few days in Berling, and then going to Dusseldorlf, but on the way to Dusseldorf, we will probably stop at Dortmund!
Then I will fly from Dusseldorlf to Faro, in Portugal. Staying 3 days in Faro, and then going to Lisbon for 4 days. From there I will take my fly back to Oslo!
So it will be 2 weeks holidays in 2 news countries where I have never been!

- As soon as I will be back to Oslo, I will be back to the office... and the plan is: starting working on the Budget 2009!! it is going to be a lot of work, but I am really lucky, as Intern, to have the chance to work on that!! (By the way, I still love so much my internship hehe)

So I think that is for now!!
Hope that my next post will be before Spetember!! :p I will try! I promise!!

Internship now, but what's next?

That's a good question! I came to Norway last September and was supposed to stay for one year... My AIESEC intern contract has already been extended to March 2009. But then?
It is a question that I have asked myself quite a lot these last weeks.

Few weeks ago, I told myself that next year, or I am back to France, or why not about staying a bit more in Norway. I didn't feel going to a new country again. It is an amazing and unique experience living and working abroad, but I think it was time for me to stop changing countries or cities every year... I start being tired of starting from zero again every year (meeting new people, making new friends, adapting myself to a new country, languages, environment...).
During my holidays in France, I realized that I miss my own country, friends, and would really like to go to Paris and work there for a while.
But in a way, I know that the life in Paris is a bit... let's say "crazy"! People are stressed, running all the time (subway, street...) and don't take time for enjoying life. They go to work at 9am and leave the office at 7pm, and then spend 1 hour in the subway to come back home. Maybe some people will not agree with me but it is really my opinion after leaving one year in Paris and see how my friends live there. When I compared that to Norway, I can see that I can considerate myself as lucky! Most of time, I am at the office from 8am to 4-5pm. Quality of life here is great! During summer days are so long, that actually after my day at the office, it is another day which is starting!!

So I took a decision: not think to much about that now! :) Now it is summer and soon holidays again!!
And in September, I will think seriously about my future. I even already have a meeting planned with my manager to talk about that. I feel that they would like me to continue working in Electrolux (maybe not in Norway, but at least in Europe...)... we will see... be continued!


Long time again that I didn't write anything on my blog! I promised myself to do it more often, but still...
Since my trip to Tromso, what did I do?!

First, in June, I came back to France for 10 days!! It was perfect holidays. I think at this time I needed a break, having some holidays, spending time home with family and friend...
I spent the first week end in Paris! First evening, we went to a restaurant with Jean, François and Vinicius (a friend from Brazil that I didn't meet since I left Brazil). So the plan was having some good food for a cheap price :) and then buying a cheap bottle of wine and drinking in the street! We had a ice walk in the city (Notre Dame, Chatelet, Hotel de Ville)!
I realized that I miss France and also the life in Paris (even if I know that the life is a bit crazy there)
The day after, I went to an AIESEC Global Village! It was a good event to meet most of the AIESECers again, mainly the MC members. On Saturday night we had a nice party at Cité Universitaire (great place to party, meet students and young people in Paris).
Unfortunately I spent only from Friday evening to Sunday in Paris. So it was really short and it was not possible to see all of my friends there, but I really had a great time!!

After my week end in Paris, I took a train to Embrun, where my family lives, and after 11 hours spending in the train (yes, I am living in a small place in the middle of the Alps), I arrived home!
There, I spent one week!
Meeting different friends every day, talking to my father, spending a lot of time with my younger sister... all these moments were great! 3 friends of mine from Paris came also for the week end!
The weather was perfect: sunny and 35 degrees outside... I could go to the lake every day and lye on the sun!

On the 23rd, my father drove me back to the airport in Marseille where I took my flight to Norway. It was actually a really strange feeling... leaving my family and country again... and some hours later I was back to Oslo, where it was raining! snif snif :(

But then the sun was back to Olso too, and I am right now enjoying the summer here, even if it is not warm as it is probably in France right now. But days are still really long.

So since I came back to Norway, almost 3 weeks ago, it has been a bit crazy... A lot to do at the office!
I thought that because most of people are in holidays in July, it will be more relaxed at the office, but not at all! My manager is right now in holidays, for almost 5 weeks, and she gave me most of her responsibilities. It is really challenging but interesting!

So I have been working hard these last days, but I don't forget to enjoy life as well:
- cinema,
- volley ball (yes!! we have a team and are playing beach volley every Tuesday evening!!),
- jogging (last time, it was 2 days ago at 6.30am with my flat mate! cool jogging: sun was already shinning, nobody in the park/street and then I was full of energy for the rest of the day at the office),
- biking (now that I am living in the city center, I can use the city bike every day instead to take the subway!)
I just love living in Oslo!! The quality if life is excellent here!! The only problem is that there is no too much sun during winter, but still, I really enjoy my time here! :)

mercredi 11 juin 2008

Summer in Oslo

Back from Tromso, the weather started being perfect in Olso!! The summer is finally coming!
... around 30 degrees everyday... the sun is shinning!!

Last week end we went to a cabin, 1 hour from Oslo, in Larkollen. The week end was perfect! I didn't feel being in Norway!
First I didn't know that it could be so warm in Norway, and second I have never thought it was possible to swim in the sea in Norway (I thought it was so cold for that), but no! I was wrong!!
I have been swimming in the Oslo Fjord!! Ok, the water was colder than the Mediterranean sea, but it was still ok :)

Two weeks after Tromso where I was freezing with my winter jacket, gloves and scarf, I was still in Norway but this time in bikini lying on the sun!!

We had a lot of fun: canoe trip, beach volley, barbeque... everything to feel being in holidays!

This week, unfortunately the weather is changing and it is getting colder... but anyway, in 2 days I will be in holidays and will be flying back to France for 10 days!!
I am really looking forwards to this holidays... meeting my friends, relaxing and of course spending some time with my family!!

Trip to Tromso

Midnight: the sun is still shinning!!

Three weeks ago, with some other interns and a friend of mine from Netherlands we traveled to Tromso, the north of Norway. It was the first time for me to go up to the Arctic Circle. It was a nice experience to stay there for 4 and half days and to not see any dark night.
Now in Tromso it is the midnight sun, that means having sun 24hours/day.
Unfortunately it was cloudy most of the time we spent in Tromso... but at least we had the opportunity to see once the midnight sun! The sun was really really big and really orange!! Great moment!! and it was midnight!! :)

It was fun having walks at 3 am and feeling like 3 pm, or having BBQ at midnight or at 8am!! Actually we were a bit confused with the time... really strange having sun during the night...
YES, you can trust me, this picture has been taken around 2 am... it was so cold that he decided to make a fire in the middle f the night!! I love Norway!!

It was quite difficult to come back to Oslo and go to work the day after... try to adapt ourselves again to the day and night :D

But even now in Oslo, day are longer and longer... and I realize that the nights are not dark anymore... sunset around 10.30pm and sunrise around 4am I think!

Wonderful view from the plane back to Oslo!!

dimanche 18 mai 2008


Beginning of March: FIS World Cup at Holmenkollen!
I was there on Sunday! It was cold and I was freezing but it was a nice experience to be there and to see for the first time in my life ski jumpers!! Quite impressing!!

Pictures taken from the boat in the Oslo Fjord! You can see behind Olso and the harbor! :)
Him, he is my friend Clément, a French guy
coming also from the Alps. He came last September to Norway by bike (from France), and left last Monday (to France) by bike as well. Good luck to you Clément!!

Pictures taking from one of the Island in the Oslo Fjord!
Norway is really a nice country!!
I love it!!

Pictures from our last cabin trip. Wonderful view, warm weather, sun... Great life! :D

the SUN!!

YES the SUN is finally back in Norway!!
Ok, that's true that in Oslo, even during winter, there is sun... but from 10am to 2pm... so that is not a lot!
But now day are getting longer and longer!
I think the sunrise is around 4.30am. Actually last week end, I was coming back home after a party around 3.3oam and the birds were already singing and it was not completely dark.
On the evening, now the sunset is around 9.30pm - 10pm, but it is still light till 11pm.

The city looks completely different now. Everyone is lying in the parks, having BBQ, walking in the streets!
I really feel the impact that the sun can have on people! Personally I am trying to enjoy in the best way all the sunny days. After spending a winter in a Nordic country, I really understood how much we should enjoy the sun and stay outside when it is sunny :-)
So most of time now, after the office, I stop at the harbor and just take a sun bath with some friends and other interns!!
These last weeks I was never home... always coming back late... so I am starting getting tired... I can not imagine next week in Tromso where it will be sunny the whole day and night! when are we going to sleep?!

samedi 17 mai 2008

March... April... May...

hey hey!!
Long time I didn't write here!
So let's start!


Easter Holidays!
In Norway, we got 3 days off for Easter, so I went to Paris for 5 days to spend some time with my friends. It was really great... except it was still cold. After a long winter in Norway I couldn't wait to have a bit of sun.
I had a lot of fun!!
Nice talks with my friends, even at 3am...
Nice dinners and good food!! I am missing so much the French food! so I have been eaten a lot for 5 days!! - true that I m starting to get really tired of the norwegian food -
Nice walks around the city...
Shopping with some friends...
Sightseeing to the Chateau de Vaux le Vicomte...
These 5 days went really fast! but I really enjoyed it!
And because it was cheaper to fly to Bruxelles, than to Paris, I have spend an afternoon with other friends in Belgium (eating waffel, french fries, and trying the Belgium beer)
Then I took my flight back to Oslo...

AIESEC conference:
The week end after Easter, there was an AIESEC conference here in Oslo.
First I told myself that I will not be going... I have already been participating to a lot of conferences... but it ended up that I have been asked by the National Comittee to facilitate the track for people going for an Exchange (Outgoing Preparation Seminar) and of course, I couldn't say no :) I love too much AIESEC!!
So I have spent spend my whole week end at the university, facilitating sessions, talking to members and having some nice parties... and like all the AIESEC conference, we didn't get a lot of sleep... and the next Monday... back to work!!

APRIL :the sun is back!!
In April we could start feeling that the winter was finally over. FINALLY!!(yes I forgot to say that when I came back in Norway after my Easter holidays it was snowing in Oslo)
But in April, days started to be much more longer and we started enjoying much more by staying outside!
With some friends and other interns, we did a cabin trip for a week end!
A cabin is something typical norwegian. It is a king of cottage where norwegians go for the week end. During winter, they go skiing and during summer they go hiking. Most of norwegian family have the own cabin.
So back to our cabin trip: we left a Saturday afternoon in direction of the Nordmarka, a place near Oslo. But we got lost... walked for 5 hours (included 2 hours in 1 meter of snow)... and finally found the cabin around 8pm!! ouf!! We were exhausted but we all keep a nice experience from this trip! The cabin we rented where in the middle of nowhere, without electricity neither water. So we started making a fire, preparing some food, and boiled some snow on order to have some water!
If you want to laugh a bit, just watch the video of your trip!!
You can even see me being really French and complaining, but for the short story, I was telling the Guys (most of them Germans) to take left... but they just didn't want to listen to me and decided to take the other way! results: we got lost!! (even if the German guys were with map and GPS) hehehe!


Cabin trip (again)
With some friends last week end, we decided to go for another cabin trip near Oslo! This time we didn't get lost and didn't see any snow. We hiked around 25 km in 2 days and got a lot of sun :)
The cabin was at the top of a hill and we had a wonderful on the Oslo fjord! No electricy, no tap water but the cabin was simplely great! It is perfect having dinner outside, in front if a fire and watch the sunset at 9.30pm!

17th of May
Today it is the 17th of May, national day here in Norway!
Unfortunately this year, it is a Saturday :(
For Norwegian people this day is really important and I could see that it is a really strong tradition for them.
There was a parade in the main street of Oslo (starting at 10am) where all the schools of the city are part of the parade and play some music. Just for fun we decided to join and walked in the parade for 10 minutes. Then we went at the top of the street and stop in front of the castle to see the King! It was cool but COLD!!!!!!!!!!! and raining!!!
In the street everyone were dressed with the traditional Norwegian dress and we could see thousand of Norwegian flags everywhere in the street (Tram, houses...)
At 1pm, the parade was already over so then we went to the apartement of a friend in order to make our BBQ (because we couldn't do it outside)

What's next?

Next Thursday, we are travelling to Tromso, a city in the north of Norway where now it is sunny 24hours a day!!! We will stay there for 4 days! I can not wait! but the bad news is that it was snowing there 3 days ago (30 cm of snom) and it is still cold (around 0-5 °C)!!

Back to France in one month for some holidays.
Taking the plane on Friday 13rd to Paris, I will spend the week end there ; and then will go to the Alps to spend one week with my family!

samedi 1 mars 2008

Reflection time

Almost 6 months that I arrived in Norway. Time is going really fast!!
I have been thinking a lot about what I have learn since I joined AIESEC, which choices I have taken and why, in which kind of way did I change, etc etc...

I joined AIESEC in 2003 and at this time I just wanted to have fun, meet people and do something that can be useful out of my studies. I started discovering AIESEC and I just liked it!! I started being more and more involved and became Vice President Outgoing Exchange in my Local Committee. It was just amazing to see that being only Vice President at a local level I could change life of people by for example preparing them and sending them abroad.

During summer 2004, I decided to go to Mexico and work with a Local Committee of AIESEC Mexico for 2 and half months. It was my first trip in another continent and it was really exciting! I have met great people, discovered a new culture and learn a lot about AIESEC. I came back to France completely different. I could adapt myself better to a new environment, I could understand people better and accept differences easily. I have also realized at this time that the reintegration in his own country is much more difficult than facing a cultural chock. After coming back to France in September 2004, I just wanted to travel again and having other international experiences.

So I started thinking going to Brazil for my second year of my Master degree (2005-2006). I have worked hard for that. It was not an easy year for me: studies the whole day, working on the evening (to pay my studies and save money to go to Brazil) and AIESEC the rest of the time. I remember that during 8 months I didn't sleep a lot! I just didn't have time for that :) It was not easy and I was afraid not getting my first year of my Master... several times during the year I wanted to give up but I aways remember that life sometimes is not easy and we have to work hard to realize our dream. So it is what I did!
My objectives were:
- passed my first year of my master and go to Brazil! I did it even if I had to pass some exams again, and I have been selected to study in Belo Horizonte in Brazil.
- improved the results in my Local Committee of AIESEC. As responsible of the Outgoing Exchange I wanted to increase the quality of the exchange and increase the % of realization (students selected and going for an internship abroad). And I think I managed doing it! In May 2005, my LC got the Award of the best OGX Management! It was the best recognition that I could get at this time. By getting this Award I wanted to show to the others Local Committee in France that it was possible to get better results and to make changes!
- and keeping my job as long as I could. I worked at Mc Donalds on the evening and week end. Such nice memories hehe
So during one year, I didn't party a lot, I worked hard but at this end I got everything I wanted!! So I realized that nothing is impossible! We can all reach our dreams!! I still believe on it and that's why I never give up!

In June 2005, I left France and went to Brazil for one year! It was one of my best year in my life ever! Amazing experience, amazing people, amazing country!! Of course I joined AIESEC in Belo Horizonte (and I have also worked with AIESEC in Salvador for one month). I started as a member in the LC and finish as Exchange Coordinador.
I start thinking about my future and knowing that I will get my Master degree soon, it was now the time for me to take a decision about what I would like to do in the future months, and I decided to apply in the National Committee of AIESEC in France. At this time I was not thinking to earn money but more thinking about getting an experience that will be valuable later.

So back in France in June 2006, I started working in Paris in AIESEC France. This year was... crazy! hehe!! always working (day, night, week end, holidays... hehe) but a lot of fun, some trips in Europe, national and international conferences. I met hundreds, thousands of people during one year! And I have met people that I know we will be friends for a long time...
We worked hard to make changes in France but we got positive results. That's so beautiful to see the impact that we can have and the lives that we can changes.

One year ago, beginning of 2007, I stated thinking again about my future and started thinking what I will do after this experience in Paris.
And the first idea in my mind was of course going for an internship abroad with AIESEC. After working 4 years in AIESEC, meeting interns, sending members abroad, I though it was time for me to live this experience.
What matters for me was first the professional experience that I will get from this exchange. I didn't care a lot about the country where I will be going. So beginning of June 2007, I decided to start searching actively for my internship. And actually it didn't take me too much time.
Looking for an internship in Finance for one year, I saw the one in Electrolux Norway. I realize really soon that it was the job description that I was looking for (working as a finance controller). Of course I couldn't miss this opportunity and I decided to apply. But I knew that the selection process will not be easy because it is generally around 20 applicants for these kind of internship.
I passed the first selection, the second one and got an interview with the finance director of Electrolux Norway. The interview was really ok, but I know that I was not the only person on the list. And 2 days after the interview, the finance director called me back to tell me that I was selected. I couldn't believe it and I think it took me several days to realize it.

Everything went so fast! But I was so happy and excited going to Norway and work in a international company. Actually I didn't know anything about Norway and I have never imagine myself living in a Nordic country :) but I was sure that it will be an amazing experience.
I started working here beginning of September. The first day I was so stressed. Stressed because I was afraid to not manage my tasks and because for sure the company will be expected results from me. But actually everything was fine :)

I am enjoying my job every day in the company. Every weeks I am getting more responsibilities and I am really considered as a finance controller in the company. Today, I am working on several projects and I don't have time to get bored! I am still thinking that I got the best internship ever in AIESEC!!
This week the company asked me to extend my internship for 6 months so I will be staying in Norway till 2009. I am still so excited by this internship!! :)

Now when I think about what I have learn since I have joined AIESEC, it is... I don't have words for that.
I have:
- been traveling in more than 15 countries
- learn several languages (Spanish, Portuguese, English and right now trying to learn Norwegian)
- met thousand of people around the world
- made friends for the rest of my life
- participated in more that 20 AIESEC conferences
- got an AMAZING internship in Electrolux
- lived in different countries
- ...

Today I can not see my life without an international environment around me or working only with French persons for example). I feel that I need having this diversity around me :)
I know that in the last years I have changed a lot, but I learned a lot about myself and what my values are. I was a really shy person and today I manage to talk in front of people that sometimes I even don't know.

Life is beautiful! Maybe I have been really lucky as well in my different experiences, but I can just say that I love my life! I don't know where I will be in one year, but for sure I will always try to enjoy it in the best way and continue looking in a positive way! that's make the life easier! :)

samedi 2 février 2008

Week end in Ireland!

Some news about my life...
January has been a really crazy month... a lot of work at Electrolux (closing of 2007 and preparing 2008). I have been really busy at the office! But at least I really like what I am doing and I think that's the most important! :)

So working during the week but still a lot of fun during week end! :) Last week end I went to Dublin, in Ireland with Ben and Alex (for the persons who knows them - one intern from Australia and one from Romania) and some friends of them went also with us.
Exceptionally I had to live the office on Friday around 2.30pm in order to catch the bus and going for the airport.
We arrived in Dublin on the evening and the first thing to do after leaving our bags to the hostel was to find a nice Pub! And in Dublin it is really not a big deal!
There is one area called "Temple Bar" where you will find thousand of pubs, bars and restaurants.
So we easlily found a pub and I was really impressed that there were 4 differents floors, differents musics and some live music. We spent the whole night there until they closed at 3pm. Then we finished the night in a chineese restaurant! :)
Saturday was the day for sightseeing. We walked in the city and also went to the Guinness Storehouse! It was really interesting and of course the beer was great!
After spleeping for 1-2 hours, I was ready to go out again! We started the night in a Irish pub with some Irish music and then continued partying in 2 others pubs, having fun and dancing a lot!
Sunday was more relax... I got some sleep, have a Irish breakfast and went back to the airport...
Back in Oslo on Sunday evening...
It was an amazing week end and I would really love to come back to Dublin!! The city is fulled of young and international people!!

So far I didn't plan any trip for the next weeks... maybe Paris for one week end to visit my friends...
I am waiting for the spring to come to visit the north of Norway and see the midnight sun!!

Talking about sun, it is going better here in Oslo. At least it is not totally dark when I am leaving the office now, but I really feel that I need more sun!!
The sunset is not anymore at 1pm, but around 4pm. Finally the sun is back! hehe!
But the weather is actually really bad: snowing and running, so it means a big mess on the street with 10cm of wet snow... and after one night to -5°C, it is not anymore 10cm of wet snow but 10cm of ice!!!! It is not fun at all but I guess it is part of the life in Norway! :)

vendredi 18 janvier 2008

First days in 2008...

Back to Norway after Christmas Holidays...
Back to work beginning of 2008...

I didn't do so much these last days... except attending an AIESEC conference next week end!!
Yes, I know... still AIESEC...
But this conference was really special for me: it was my first one as intern! so it was a lot of fun, sightseeing, some sleep, interaction with members, parties... and not sessions at all (I know, that was bad... but I cound not be in different places in the same time! :p )
The conference started for me on Friday evening with the official dinner. It was great to meet a lot of members and interns again. This dinner was also special for me because I got an award from @Norway: the AIESEC Experience Award! :) I was really surprised and I still don't know how to expresse myself... I really think this award is the best award that an member can get. I see it as a recognition of my 4 years spent in AIESEC.
I remember the day when I joined AIESEC and I can say that at this time I would never imagine living all the experiences that I had. It is really amazing all we can do and learn in AIESEC!!

This week I have been reflecting a lot about what and where will be my next experience... in Norway? in France? or in another country?? I still don't know and don't have any answer to these questions today. But for sure I want to continue enjoying life as I am doing it so far!
But one important question is: after my internship, do I want to continue working as a Finance controller and working in a Global company as I am doing today?
Answer: I don't know yet :)
I really like my internship so much and I am learning a lot!! I like working in Finance (even if I know that only few people do). But I don't feel having the impact that we can have in AIESEC.
In AIESEC, I really feel that I had an impact on people and on society. I know that in AIESEC we make the world better (if you are interested by this sentence, let me know! I can talk a lot about that and share my experience with you!). In AIESEC, we are just passionated and we can work hours and hours... work during week end...
Today I don't feel the same passion... I am going to work at 8am, leave the office at 4pm. Which impact do I have?! I know that Electrolux is a great company and they care about the environment, but I am not changing the world, I am not changing people...
But I will continue reflecting and will let you know...

Here a intern picture from the @ conference in Trondheim, in Norway: