mercredi 28 novembre 2007

Working life :)

Even if I have been travelling a lot, I am still working 5 days a week!!
These lasts days I am enjoying so much my work!! getting more and more responsablities, working with people from different Electrolux (Sweden, Denamark, Belgium), having a lot of meeting, even phone meetings.
My tasks can be really differents from one week to another one, and that's sooooooooo interesting! I am really learning a lot and do not have time to get bored.
I still love my intership like it was the first day and I couldn't expected better.

Last week we had "Julebord", which means Christmas table in English. It is a real tradition to celebrate that with the company, even in november! :)
It was a great evening: diner at the restaurant (and I was at the most important table with the most important people of Electrolux in Norway!!) , then we went to a Norwegian show with 2 norwegian Guys (it was supposed to be funny, but my norwegian is still not so good to understand this funny people). And after that we moved for a Pub!
I had really a lot of fun!! Was really nice to have this kind of evening with people from work!!


One week after Stavanger, I went to Copenhagen!!
Trip with 3 other interns working here in Oslo!! I was so lucky, I traveled with 3 guys for 2 days! :)
My first time in Denmark, I really enjoyed it!! It was coooooooooold but we had a lot of fun!!
Sightseeing during 2 days, saturday and sunday: La Petite Sirène, Christmas Market, squares, Tivoli by night, Round Tower, and also Christiania!
If you don't know Christiania, just read that:
I have a really strange feeling entering in this kind of city and I really didn't feel safe. But it was interesting to see that! Pictures were forbidden and a lot of strange people walking around...
On Saturday night we enjoyed Copenhagen going to one Pub to another one!! 4 Pubs during the night, going back to the hostel at 4pm!

Next trip Guys?? Dublin, Ireland, end of January!! Who wants to join?!


Long time I didnt' write somethig here!!
These last week end I have been travelling, partying, and not a lot at home! :)
Let's take first my trip to Stavanger!
Stavanger, a nice city on the west cost of Norway, in the middle of the fjords. There is around 100.000 habitants. Small city, but quite big for a norwegian city. I went there with a friend of mine, from France!! It was a great week end... sightseeing, learning about the norwegian culture, and of course of boat trip in the fjords!
In the fjords, everything is so huge!! And it is so amazing to look around you and to see montains, hills and sea everywhere!!

I can not wait to travel more in Norway!!
Next trip will be Trondeim beginning of January for a national AIESEC conference!!

lundi 5 novembre 2007


Just a picture from Sognvann. It is a lake next to Oslo, 10 minutes by subway from where I am living.
It is really common for norwegian people to go there and have a walk during week end.
During winter they go there to ski!!

Missing AIESEC

Yes, I am really missing AIESEC!!
After having worked 4 years in AIESEC, it is really strange to not do anything else for AIESEC.
Ok, I am right now intern and still in contact with AIESEC people, but it is not the same.

Last year, I had thousand of work to do. I was staying most of time late on the evening at the office. I was working even during week end!! When I traveled, it was 99% of the time for an AIESEC conference in France or abroad. My cellphone was ringing all the time: calls from France or international calls. I was receiving hundred of emails everyday.
That is for sure part of the "AIESEC Life" :)
And now that I am an intern it is complelty different... I love my internship, my work and my Experience here in Norway, but sometimes I am thinking that this kind of life now it is too relax for me. Going to work at 8am and leaving the office at 4pm.
I am missing this crazy AIESEC life!!
Even if I have some good responsabilities at Electrolux, it is not the responsabilities that I got during my MC Term last year. I realized that what we do in AIESEC it is something unique!

But I am getting used to this new life as an Intern!!! :)
I will be going to Copenhagen in 3 weeks for the week end with some of the interns here in Norway!! It's good to be an Intern! :)