vendredi 1 janvier 2010

New Year...

1rst of January 2010! It's time to look back on the last 12 months and to think about what I want to achieve in 2010...

I have just read the post I wrote one year ago about what 2008 meant for me and what I expected from 2009.  So here I go for 2009 - 2010...


I was expected a change in my life: new job, new city, new life! 2009 has been a kind of transition for me. I came back to Paris/France, found a job here and started to "settle down". That doesn't mean I am going to spend my life in Paris, but at least some years.  I am doing a job I like in a very interesting sector and I have been learning a lot this year on the professional side. I have been working as finance controller for more than 2 years now and I have signed in 2009 my first permanent position contract!!

I have been traveling this year but unfortunately not enough I think... new job contract means no holidays the first year :( 

Almost one year ago I spent 4 days in Iceland!! It was a great trip with crazy people :p (I am sure some of them will read this post) ... great time in Iceland with a lot of fun... Northern Lights... Blue Lagoon... good remembers...

In March I came back to France... by car and train.. from Norway!! I can say that was the trip of the transition :-)

I also went back to Oslo in October to visit some friends. It was kind of strange to be back and knowing all the parts of the cities but not living there anymore... I miss a lot of friends there.

Two weeks later I traveled to Morocco with my younger sister. It was a week holidays with a lot of beautiful landscapes, of course a lot of sun and quality time with my sister!!! 

One year ago I also wrote I wanted to continue to do some sport and playing Capoeira. Unfortunately I sprained one wrist (doing some sledging 10 days before leaving Oslo)... and because of that I stopped playing Capoeira for some months... I started again in September in a Capoeira group in Paris. I am still enjoying but I still have to improve a lot! I also went jogging quite often this year and did 2 races: one of 6km and one of 18.5km! I am really proud of the second one! I still can not believe I did it... just running for 2 hours!

So actually 2009 was full of a lot of things!! and of course I have been meeting great people and spending great time with my friends!


I didn't reflect yet about how I would like 2010 to be... but it might be a continuity of 2009.

Professionally, I don't expect a big change. I just want to get more and more responsibilities, get more experience as finance controller and success in my position.

1 month ago I have been running 18.5 km so I should run a half-marathon in 2010! I have almost 12 months to get ready :p Capoeira will still be one of my weekly activities!

I hope 2010 will be a year fulled of travels!! I have already one planned in March... I have just bought the tickets today with a friend! direction: Budapest!! I would like to visit some countries/cities of Europe and discover more France too! As you can see I didn't go back to Brazil in 2009... So let's hope 2010 will be the year for that!! I am still dreaming to go to Machu Pichu (Peru)!! and I would like to visit some friends in Canada, Singapore, Europe... I should take one year off :p just kidding...

Let see what will happen in 2010!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone we are reading this post and let me if you pass by Paris!

1 commentaire:

Jean Penny a dit…

hope you do manage to travel as much as you like, and pay a visit to your second country of origin :p (Brazil of course).
Good spirit in your post, you're inspirational. Thank you :)
happy new year too